Thursday, June 28, 2012

Canon PowerShot A810 Camera Reviews

Canon PowerShot A810 Camera Reviews
The Canon Powers hot A810 is the time of writing March 2012 - the cheapest model of Canon digital camera lineup in 2012. In fact, the only cost-effective camera in the line last year's Powers hot A800. As such, the A810 is aimed at the photographer, the name and reputation of Canon wants, but is not willing to spend more than the chance to get it.

The A810 is almost identical to the A1300, with the only differences in terms of distance from the optical viewfinder. The A810 is only ever so slightly lighter and smaller than his siblings, even though you might put hard to make all the difference to be noted even with two cameras in hand, and there's no optical viewfinder, you are instructed receptive to the LCD.

These changes make the Canon A810 for sale for $ 10 less than the A1300, just missing the magic $ 100 mark with price tag around U.S. $ 110
Unfortunately, the A810 makes compromise in the A1300, and it’s one that can be too much for many: there is no optical image stabilization, despite relatively limited ISO sensitivity and relatively weak illumination optical zoom lens.

The Canon A810 the lens has moderate 35mm-equivalent focal length range from useful 28mm wide angle to 140mm telephoto one. Maximum aperture drops from 2.8 at wide angle to decidedly dim f/6.9 at the telephoto end, and this is probably the lack of stabilization to take step too far for many purposes. It is, of course, digital image stabilization, but there's only so much by the ISO sensitivity and noise in the test, your shutter speed and freeze stored enhance movement.

Pictures and video will be 16 megapixel CCD image sensor. The ISO sensitivity is quite narrow, though, includes everything from ISO 100-1600 equivalent. The maximum image size is 4608 x 3456 pixels, and movies can be recorded at up to 1,280 x 720 pixel resolutions, with rate of 25 frames per second for high-definition video or 30 frames per second for standard def.

On the back of the Canon Powers hot A810 is 2.7-inch LCD panel with 230,000 pixels. This represents approximately QVGA 320 x 240 pixels array, each pixel of the separate red, green and blue dots together.

Images and movies are stored on Secure Digital cards, including increased capacity SDXC and SDHC types. Power comes courtesy of two AA batteries; the A810 has rated battery life of 500 shots when using the 2500 mash NB-3AH cells, which come in packs of four in the NB4-300 model number. Connectivity includes USB 2.0 high speed data and an NTSC / PAL standard definition video output.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2012 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 Reviews

 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100
Sony RX100 is where the use of 1-inch sensor can be hailed as technological milestone, from the beginning, says the Sony Cyber-shot RX100, its seriousness. The band offset of the upper third of the camera subtly reminiscent of the Lexica rangefinder ethos without overdoing it. Note the Carl-Zees-badge and the name on the lens. The front lens element is concave rather than convex.

The ring around the lens rotates freely - without latches, unlike the S-series. But if the Sony RX100 is turned on, you hear clicking sound. As in the Tech Info section shows the lightning jumps on top of rocker mechanical support as we have seen on several new Micro Four Thirds cameras, as well as the Sony NEX-F3. There is tiny flash that is very effective at wide angles.

Since we are comparing to other cameras, it is important to note that the sensor in the Sony RX100, 1-inch design, essentially the same size as the Nikon 1-series compact system cameras. As Sony puts it, which makes the sensor approximately four times larger than the average 1/2.3-inch sensor. Many were upset that Nikon had compact system camera with smaller sensor than its CSC competition, but I think the compactness of the Sony RX100 more than compensated for any concerns about sensor size the Sony RX100 is observed when using the 1-inch sensor can be celebrated as technical milestone.

Sony finally did what they wanted so many of us: They have built camera in the pocket-sized with large sensor and bright lens. It is the Sony Cyber-shot RX100, and it will send to other camera manufacturers back to their drawing boards for next season. The Sony RX100 is  20.2-megapixel, 1-inch sensor behind bright 3.6x, f/1.8 lens, and wraps them in small body not much bigger than Canon S100.

In fact, the special magic of Sony RX100 is how close it firmly to the stronger points of the S100, premium of more successful bag of Canon cameras. For many of us that have camera in this particular category bag embodies the Sony RX100, what we do when we our cash laid down for the S100, LX5, or XZ-1 wanted: bigger sensor, fast lens and a small body.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First: Roundup Portfolio Apps For iOS

Roundup Portfolio Apps For iOS
With its high-resolution displays, large screen real estate and inherent portability looks tablet computers like the Apple iPod and Samsung Galaxy as custom made for the presentation of the portfolios of the photographers were.

Not only photographers, of course - they also have enormous potential appeal to different image motifs, including students, brokers, architects and variety of other professionals. For now, at least most of the momentum is behind the development of the portfolio of apps for Apple's iPod tablet made available, but over time, inevitably, more and more applications will be ported to - and for - other platforms.

While the iPod will be implemented with well-integrated app for viewing photos, including first-class slide show function with the option of accompanying music directly from iTunes Add, it does  t have all the customization options allow customization or branding. As result, it is not the kind of AOS application that will impress client when pitching for high commissions during formal presentation portfolio. Her work can be fantastic, but it is presented can make all the difference.

In this article, I took look at eight popular portfolio of apps developed for Apple's ions to see how suitable they are made for wide range of users. For most users and client experience, keep in mind that certain amount of preparatory work is inevitable - to produce everything from re-sizing images pictures or logos for branding purposes. As usual, I would like to point out that this Roundup will not be exhaustive in any way and is only intended as an introduction to the portfolio of applications.

Pad Folio Late is somewhat unusual among apps portfolio, it's free. A stripped down version of the more full-featured pad folio, for $ 9.99 is limited Pad Folio Late, only one gallery, and even then it is limited to only 10 frames so unless you, Adore very picky about your images is this is really meant as taster.

However, if you are sufficiently intrigued to stump up $ 9.99 for the full version, offers great pad folio, Aileen, an intuitive user interface, customizable home-and-splash screens, drop box integration and support for video files, and the requirement stills. There, perhaps, the AOS user interface that really stands out though. The password-protected screen-management is simple but very effective and while the app supports branding, it looks good, even if you don ™ t want to go that far.

Once the card pretty clever placeholder is filled in, this is then used as your personal branding throughout the app. The special feature is not customizable, which is, as such, AOS no choice of fonts or the size or color, but it looks very smart at the top of page and can even e-mailed as calling card from the gallery page. Entire folders of images can be imported and galleries can be hidden.

Individual images can be easily labeled, either singly or as multiples and zoomed even during slide show we also liked the super-fast animation between views. However, there are few quirks There, AOS is no provision in the music with the slideshow feature to synchronize and it seemed no way to get break Superfast preview image to be an option.

I also found what appeared to be an error with the PIN-protected key management. Although was completely stable during most of my tests, on one occasion, the app my PIN number at reset, and denies access to another. According to the developers, an update to certain problems with the power is on iPods filed with ions 5 at Apple. Despite some peculiarities, however, serve to pad folio fast, very intuitive and looks great.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Iris lens camera controlled with your eyes

The Iris lens camera controlled with your eyes
The eye-tracking camera of the Royal College of Art graduate Mimi Zoo is controlled by blinking and squinting - and even recognizes your friends when they look in their eyes.

The iris camera uses biometric technology to help people by identifying their unique iris you signatures. If the user of the iris is detected, the camera will automatically load your favorite settings including aperture, ISO and screen display. As the user looks through the lens that can zoom in and out by reducing or increasing their eyelids. To take the picture, they just keep blinking her eyes and double.

Once the photo is taken, biometric technology identifies the subject's iris, and offers to tag them. Have photographers and their friends to register their biometric data in order to access these features, but they can also be marked out in photos. The camera works for both still images and moving images, and it can now upload files through Wife connection, or store them on an SD card inside, until it reaches connection.

The images and movies are shown possible design for the camera. Zoo preview working model of technology on RCA card in 2012, the graduate show at London's Royal College of Art, you just completed the college's Innovation Design Engineering Course.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nikon COOLPIX P310 reviews

Nikon COOLPIX P310 review
Nikon Coolpix P310 sits AOs 6MP CMOS sensor and 4.2x optical zoom. The zoom itself covers 35 mm equivalent focal length range of 24-100mm, although the main draw is its really high speed.

At the wide ends of zoom range.
This corresponds to maximum aperture of f/1.8, so it is for the capture of additional shallow depth. This maximum aperture ISN, AOT is available throughout the entire zoom range, however, and decreases to 4.9 at the end of the telephoto zoom.

Another factor for the welcome addition of the lens is Nikon, AOS advanced lens-shift image stabilizer. The system is in the second generation, Nikon claims you can have shutter speeds of up to four stops slower than would normally be able to shoot.

As already mentioned, the P310/16MP CMOS sensor, the sensor is the backlight diversity, which means it should perform better in low light conditions and at high ISO settings, while the on-board EXPEED processor, promising to support this process.

The native ISO sensitivity of the Nikon P310, AOS sensor is between ISO 100 and 3200. The sensor also has two retractable settings label 1 and 2, which allows the photographer at ISO settings of 6400 and 12800 can shoot at full resolution.

As from camera that has large aperture lens conspicuous to be expected, the P310 you to control the aperture manually. The P310 features program, aperture priority, shutter priority and manual mode. The ISN, AOT to say that the camera only strengthen the advanced shooter though, as the P310 also features an auto-recording mode, and as is increasingly the standard for compact cameras these days, Scene Auto shooting mode as well.

shooting mode, which is also increasingly the 3D image acquisition, and had made appearance on the P310. The camera connects AOs 3D image capture mode, two different positions to be taken through lens so that images are displayed on 3D-TV, although it is reasonably to the smaller of the 3D acquisition modes.

The high end feature set in P310, AOS initiated sensor and lens continues on the back of the camera. The model has distinctive 3in, 921K-dot LCD screen complete with anti-reflection coating, the resolution of which places it right in the direction of high market.

Friday, June 15, 2012

first: 4 More DSLRs Coming in 2012

first: 4 More DSLRs Coming in 2012
Received some information that Canon is far from done, as far as cameras go for 2012 start. I am told that there are 4 other DSLRs come in 2012.
Which cameras.

It is unknown if the expected mirror-less entry counts against the said 4 camera housing.
Speculation about what could possibly be below 4 cameras.

1. First Entry level full-frame camera. Think of it as a direct replacement for the 5D Mark II

2. Second Presume APS-C, maybe the 70D and not a direct replacement for the 7D.

3. Third the large-megapixel entry mentions an EOS-1D style body is.

4. The mirror-less entry.

If the mirrors are not loose against the four alleged camera body I'm not sure what else could roll up their sleeves for the Canon EOS line, few people have proposed an EOS 5D cinema lineup, but I do not think that it probably starts after the EOS-1D C from late 2012.